Monday, October 25, 2010

Nichita nu mai avea rabdare

Bacovia Lead (my version)

The leaden coffins lying fast asleep
Nigh leaden flowers and the funeral shroud –
And I was lonely in the crypt...and there was wind...
And leaden crowns produced a creaking sound

Upturned my leaden love asleep
On leaden flowers and I began to call
And I was lonely by the corpse...could feel a chill
The leaden wings dragging it down

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Marin Sorescu

Doamne, creatia a dat inapoi
Ca un cucui al universului.
Doamne, creatia ta s-a retras in sine
Cu tine cu tot si orbecaim in nestire.

Doamne, da un pumn in bezna,
Sa creasca, Doamne, la loc cucuiul.
Unicornul, cand ii crestea cornul,
Era numai durere si cunoastere.

Lumea sorbita de hau
Se pierde in circumvolutii prea destepte.
Doamne, da-ti Doamne un pumn drept in frunte
Si mugind ia-o de la-nceput.
Si mugind ia facerea de la-nceput.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Great, the One and Only....Sir Winston Churchill

"I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter."

"I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me."

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ingalbenind frunze pentru a invoca toamna

Toamna va veni mai devreme anul acesta! Am decis eu ca acel sublim anotimp nu mai trebuie asteptat, destul am stat cu mainile in san, la umbra, nemiscat pe timp de vara ca nu cumva soarele sa ma surprinda intr-un moment de neatentie. Destul m-am ascuns de caldura sufocanta care se infiripa si in cel mai ascuns ungher si destul am pretins ca fiecare anotimp “isi are rostul lui”. Pana aici! Nu mai vreau vara, iarna, primavara...vreau doar acel preludiu sumbru si melancolic ce imi ascute simturile si imi ravaseste sufletul cu fiecare pas pe care il fac pe covorul de frunze galbene si rosii ocolind balti, privind in sus inspre coroanele aurite ale copacilor incadrate de cerul arginitu ce-i scoate in evidenta. Vreau ploaie si vant, cer innorat si ore care trec din ce in ce mai lenes in dupamieze ce par sa nu se mai termine. Vreau sa simt din nou ploaia racoroasa ce stinge flacara ce-mi arde albastra in suflet.
Toamna ne da timp pentru ca ne da impresia ca este interminabila. Dar toama e si aceea care ne aminteste ca nici umbra de peste vara nu mai supravietuieste sub nori-i amenintatori.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Nu e corect, Nici macar fata de mine sa nu mai scriu nimic aici de fapt ci doar sa dau citate sau videoclipuri de pe youtube, asta insa n-o puteam canta mai bine decat ei!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Question everything

“Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings - that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide.”

— Buddha

Monday, May 31, 2010

Born to fight my version

They're tryin' to dig into my soul
And take away the spirit of my God
They're tryin' to take control
And monitor my every thought
No no no no NO, I won't let down my God!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


"Dacă ai tras concluzia că trecutul, prezentul şi viitorul există ca unul şi acelaşi „timp”, ai dreptate.”*

” În Adevărul cel mai înalt, iubirea este singurul lucru care există, care a existat şi care va exista vreodată”


Monday, May 24, 2010

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.”

– Joseph Campbell

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Si cand ma trezesc uneori...pornesc repede filtrul de cafea ca sa miroase bine in toata casa. Alerg in parc si privesc in jur de parca le-as vedea pe toate pentru prima data. Ma curat, mananc si plec spre birou... :)


Polua iar. Imi ploua apasat in suflet de parc-ar fi venit toamna. Dar cararile sunt goi acum, piatra cubica nu mai rasuna de soapte si chicoteli de sub umbrele galbui si neincapatoare si-mi e oglinda doar mie. Un om, un suflet si umbrela lui cu care se apara de picaturile din cer ratacind printre cladiri inalte si impunatoare, pe langa biserici cu acoperis bombat si aurit, pe strazi intortochiate, ploua. Librariile nu mai au carti, povestile le-am citit pe toate, pana si la teatru unde forfota de dinainte de spectacol era traditie, scena e goala. Ne-au murit actorii si cantaretii, ne-a murit rasul si mai nou parca ne-a murit si plansul. Plimbarile de sambata dupamasa, oricat si pe oriunde as rataci ma conduc invariabil acasa si sufletul meu are din cand in cand nevoie de umbrela si chiar daca sta in casa uneori, deschide umbrela de frica sa nu cumva sa inceapa ploaia dintr-o data.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Solitary Man, nothing like it!

Paper Rings

Whatever happened to men? Where is Gary Cooper “the strong silent type”? Where is the determination of Johnny Cash in making his own mistakes over and over again and the message of his black outfits? When did you last hear a man saying: “A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do?” or: “I need some Frank...”? Men were all black and white back in those days, they wore fedora hats, suits and grew a mustache, they smoked cigars and didn’t apologize for it; they literally took it with a smile and what’s more important, they meant it! Then all of a sudden, Chris Isaak comes along with his pretty boy look and pointy nose, romancing songs like “solitary man” without being the least bit convincing and it bugs a man, a real man I mean, because that’s the image that women wanted, the image they’ve created for us and like in the free market of stocks, the world of “offer and demand” it all works against us. “Get in touch with your feminine side”, or “be more sensitive” we hear, well that’s what we did and look where it got us! We’ve invented the term “metrosexual” We’re dying our hair and painting our fingernails, we’re whipping out rings to “don’t wannabe brides” the first chance we get and we’re getting shot down by the dozen! Get a hold of yourselves men and put your hat back on, drink your scotch straight, your bourbon with ice; listen to blues and “all that jazz” and keep that soft spot in your heart but don’t ever show it. It’s a sign of weakness. Listen to your instincts, they will guide you to the most alluring prey and once you’ve conquered and commitment is just around the corner, “just say no”! The prey becomes the hunter if you have played your hand right and from there on its easier than a walk in the park, isn’t it a paradox? That’s who we are and don’t you forget it! “Love” is truly a small word for some, a small time thing and a paper ring. It can be pink and white and brown and black and all just the same. Broads do have it lucky; they have it easier convincing themselves that the man next to them is “the right on” be it as it may, just live fast and live short because life is long enough and if love be a game, let it be your favorite game.